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  • 224 result(s)
  1. Following the announcement made yesterday by the Secretary of State of the United States of America Mike Pompeo, according to which "the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with international law", the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn wishes to make the following statement:

  2. For the public celebration of the birthday of HRH the Grand Duke, members of the Grand Duke's family and the government will attend the festivities organised in Esch-sur-Alzette, Bourscheid and Luxembourg City on 22nd and 23rd June 2019.

  3. On January 26th, various Member States urged Mr. Nicolás Maduro to take the necessary legal steps for democratic presidential elections to be announced within 8 days. On that same day, the EU High Representative / Vice President issued a statement on

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