Luxembourg diplomatic and consular missions

A well-developed network of embassies, honorary consuls and foreign trade advisers throughout the world is available to Luxembourg companies. This network can be approached when looking for market information on the country in question or when trade contacts are to be established.

Diplomatic representations and the network of consuls and foreign trade advisers

The role of Luxembourg’s diplomatic representations is twofold: on the one hand, political representation, and on the other hand, promotion of Luxembourg’s economic and trade interests abroad. In countries where Luxembourg is not directly represented, Luxembourg’s economic interests are taken care of by Belgium.

The 153 honorary consuls supporting Luxembourg have a broad network of high-level contacts at hand and can inform and advise Luxembourg companies on business opportunities in their country.


The details of the Luxembourg diplomatic and consular missions can be consulted by country/region or international organisation. They are regularly updated, please head to the French version of our website for any further information.

Luxembourg Embassies in Europe

  1. Embassy in Berlin - accredited in Germany
  2. Embassy in Vienna - accredited in Austria, co-accredited in Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia
  3. Embassy in Brussels - accredited in Belgium
  4. Embassy in Copenhagen - accredited in Denmark, co-accredited in Finland, Norway and Sweden
  5. Embassy in Madrid - accredited in Spain, co-accredited in Andorra
  6. Embassy in Paris - accredited in France, co-accredited in Monaco
  7. Embassy in Athens - accredited in Greece, co-accredited in Cyprus and Romania
  8. Embassy in Dublin - accredited in Ireland
  9. Embassy in Rome - accredited in Italy, co-accredited in Croatia, Malta and San Marino
  10. Embassy in Pristina - accredited in Kosovo
  11. Embassy in The Hague - accredited in the Netherlands
  12. Embassy in Warsaw - accredited in Poland, co-accredited in Latvia and Lithuania
  13. Embassy in Lisbon - accredited in Portugal
  14. Embassy in Prague - accredited in the Czech Republic, co-accredited in Bulgaria, Estonia and Ukraine
  15. Embassy in London - accredited in the United Kingdom, co-accredited in Iceland
  16. Embassy in Berne  - accredited in Switzerland, co-accredited in Liechtenstein
  17. Embassy in Ankara - accredited in Turkey

Non-resident Embassies

Luxembourg Embassies outside Europe


The details of the Luxembourg diplomatic and consular missions can be consulted by country/region or international organisation. They are regularly updated.

Luxembourg General Consulates

  1. General Consulate in Brussels - integrated into the Embassy in Brussels
  2. General Consulate in Geneva - integrated into the Permenant Representation in Geneva
  3. General Consulate in New York
  4. General Consulate in San Francisco
  5. General Consulate in Shanghai
  6. General Consulate in Strasbourg - integrated into the Permanent Representation in Strasbourg

Luxembourg Trade and Investment Offices (LTIO)

1. LTIO in Abu Dhabi

2. LTIO in Casablanca

3. LTIO in New York

4. LTIO in San Francisco

5. LTIO in Seoul

6. LTIO in Shanghai

7. LTIO in Taipei

8. LTIO in Tel Aviv

9. LTIO in Tokyo

Last update